Six Licks 100ml have proven to be one of the most popular brands on the market. Starting initially with 5 flavours and shortly after, releasing their highly anticipated 6th flavour! Six Licks have won a number of awards for their brand and flavours. The range is now up to a total of 9 flavours! You will receive a 120ml bottle, filled with 120ml of Nicotine free eliquid. You also have the option to purchase it along with 2x 10ml bottles of Nicotine. Mixing the 2 Nicotine shots into the 120ml bottle will make your liquid 3mg.
My go to 100ml juice, great flavour and I didn't think it would be as I'm not a lover of pear but this never gets old.
Amazing flavour and even better price! The other six licks flavours are great too, however Truth or Pear is the best by a long shot.
Brilliant juice and cheapest price that I've ever found