Six Licks 100ml have proven to be one of the most popular brands on the market. Starting initially with 5 flavours and shortly after, releasing their highly anticipated 6th flavour! Six Licks have won a number of awards for their brand and flavours. The range is now up to a total of 9 flavours! You will receive a 120ml bottle, filled with 120ml of Nicotine free eliquid. You also have the option to purchase it along with 2x 10ml bottles of Nicotine. Mixing the 2 Nicotine shots into the 120ml bottle will make your liquid 3mg.
My go to Vape Juice, great quality, superb flavour and makes my coils last better than any other liquid! Superb
amazing product, amazing company, never an issue with Vape and Go!
Not my type but worth a try